Creating an API Token for Cloudflare
You can add your Cloudflare CDN account to IO River and use it with your services. In order to add Cloudflare as one of your CDN providers, you need to create an API token in your Cloudflare account.
To create an API token:
Sign in to your Cloudflare account.
On the top right corner, select the Profile icon.
On the dropdown menu, select My Profile.
On the left sidebar, select API Tokens.
Click on the Create Token button.
Under Custom token, click on Get started.
Fill the new token form:
Token name - provide a name, for example “ioriver-api-token”.
Permissions - Pay attention to the scope of each permission below. Some of the required permissions are under scope of Account, and some are under Zone. You should add the following permissions:
Account, Intel - Read
Account, Account Analytics - Read
Account, Account Filter Lists - Read
Account, Workers Scripts - Edit
Zone, Firewall Services - Read
Zone, Analytics - Read
Zone, DNS - Edit
Zone, Response Compression - Edit
Zone, Config Rules - Edit
Zone, Dynamic Redirect - Edit
Zone, Cache Rules - Edit
Zone, Origin Rules - Edit
Zone, Transform Rules - Edit
Zone, Zone WAF - Edit
Zone, Settings - Edit
Zone, Zone - Edit
Zone, Workers Routes - Edit
Zone, SSL and Certificates - Edit
Zone, Logs - Edit
Zone, Page Rules - Edit
Zone, Firewall Services - Edit
Zone, Cache Purge - Purge
Account resources - Select Include and select your account.
Click on Continue to Summary.
Click on Create Token.
Save the created token, and paste it when you add your Cloudflare CDN here.